Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Renaissaince Site

Apparently, partakes in more than meets the eye! Not only are they a social video uploading site, a platform for content providers, and an innovating content provider, they are also the founders of the Tudou Film Festival. The second Tudo Film Festival took place on April 18th of this year in Shanghai, China. What differentiates this past festival from the first is Tudou's partnership with China Film Group Corporation, a company that has earned the reputation of being China's most prestigious film production and trading organization. This new union will create opportunities for participants to qualify for titles and access film production facilities, funds, resources and channels, which opens the door to China's film industry for aspiring content producers.

Another major aspect of Tudou's Film Festival was accurately described by Tudou's CEO Gary Wang when he said, "based on the experience of our first Tudou Video Festival last year, our 2009 campaign aims for a bigger goal to build up the value chain for Internet video creative talents, who are getting insufficient attention and financing at this point. Our goal is to expand development and extend opportunities for amazing talents and vitality that we have seen on, hopefully in real terms such as cash financing and broadcasting opportunities.”

According to, during the Tudou video financing forum, fifty selected proposals in the categories drama, non-fiction/documentary, music/entertainment, animation, and reality show were pitched in front of potential content buyers and investors from TV channels, production companies, mobile/new media channels and brand advertisers, simulating a content trading platform. Through this type of audience - content provider interaction, Tudou is creating an environment that has potential to change the traditional business model of Chinese media and entertainment. By not only allowing a space for audience content, as they do on, but also allocating funding to their projects, Tudou is declaring its continual commitment to revolutionizing the definition of Chinese online media.

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